
We love contributions here in is-number! If you’re looking for something to work on then check out our issue tracker for open issues.

If you want to make a contribution to is-number then please raise a Pull Request on GitHub.

To help speed up the review process please ensure the following:

  • The PR addresses an open issue.

  • All tests are passing locally with pytest.

  • The project passes linting with black and flake8.

  • If adding a new feature you also add documentation.


To check out a local copy of the project you can fork the project on GitHub and then clone it locally.

$ git clone
$ cd is-number

This project uses black to format code and flake8 for linting. We also support pre-commit to ensure these have been run. To configure your local environment please install these development dependencies and set up the commit hooks.

$ pip install black flake8 pre-commit
$ pre-commit install

You can check that things are working correctly by calling pre-commit directly.

$ pre-commit run --all-files

These checks will be run automatically when you make a commit.


This project uses pytest to run tests and also to test docstring examples.

Install the test dependencies.

$ pip install -r requirements_test.txt

Run the tests.

$ pytest
=== 3 passed in 0.13 seconds ===

If you are working on a new feature please add tests to ensure the feature works as expected. If you are working on a bug fix then please add a test to ensure there is no regression.

Tests are stored in is_number/tests and follow the pytest format.

from is_number import is_number

def test_is_number():
    assert is_number(1)
    assert not is_number("hello world!")

Making a Pull Request

Once you’ve made your changes and are ready to make a Pull Request please ensure tests and linting pass locally before pushing to GitHub. When making your Pull Request please include a short description of the changes, but more importantly why they are important. Perhaps by writing a before and after paragraph with user examples.

Also consider how your title look when it appears in a changelog. Does it full describe the change to an outside user? For example Add support for checking iterables contain all numbers is a much better title than Fixes #76.

# Add support for checking iterables contain all numbers

Closes #56


This PR allows the inspection of structures such as lists and sets to check if all elements are numbers.


If a user passed a list of all numbers to `is_number` it would return `False`.

>>> from is_number import is_number
>>> is_number([0,1,2])


If a user passes a list of all numbers it will return true, unless they set the `strict` keyword argument to `True`.

>>> from is_number import is_number
>>> is_number([0,1,2])
>>> is_number([0,1,2], strict=True)